To help fill in your social calendar for the months ahead, I provide the following as a public service:
* March Madness Championship Game – Monday, April 3rd: College basketball at its finest… the way the game should be played. Enjoy it in the comforts of the CC Club, along with your CC Brothers. We’ll have beer and some eats, so come early and stay to the final buzzer. We’ll get a pool going.
* “Cajun Night” – Saturday, April 22nd: An annual Commonwealth Club tradition that has proven to be the best Cajun food outside of New Orleans. No kidding! Tongues wag, cocktails flow, live music excites, and we enjoy the full Cajun culinary experience without the perspiration. Bring friends and family.
* “Mixed Bowling” – Saturday, April 29th: Couples team bowling where fun trumps skill! Do not need to be a member to participate-guests are always welcome! $10 per couple; free use of shoes and bowling balls-it’s always a great time!
* “Local Craft Beer Night” – Thursday, May 4th: Here’s another CC beer sipping event; this time with a focus on our wealth of local craft breweries. Given our high local taxes, we deserve some special love and nothing says “I love you” better than a variety of excellent craft brews. Your wife may take exception to that, but debate it when you get home… wink wink.
* “Comstock Returns” – Saturday, May 13th: Comstock is another annual CC tradition that pays homage to Woodstock, but without the mud. Great live music, a 1969 music festival vibe, and in a peace and free-love atmosphere… somewhat tempered from the 60’s era. Introduce friends to the Club with this fun event.
* “Melville Tournament” – Tuesday, May 30th: Annual Spring Tournament for league bowlers only. $20 entry; 3 games with handicap.
* “CC Spring Golf Outing” – Thursday, June 1st: Save the date for our annual golf outing; we will be playing at The Meadows Golf Club in Lincoln Park, which is under new management and considerably improved over years past. Another event where guests are welcome and encouraged. Details to follow.
* “CC Annual Member Meeting and Dinner” – Thursday, June 1st: The year end gathering where club business is recapped and discussed; officers are elected and good food and drink are consumed in great quantities. Not to be missed by any member who cares about the club.