Happy Summer! There are several upcoming events that you should be aware of and most have call to action necessities over the next week or so, so here goes:
There is a public community action opportunity that is coming up this Saturday, the 25th in Brookdale Park, courtesy of the Brookdale Park Conservancy, which is led by our own Don McLaughlin. It’s an outdoor work day exclusively for Club members and those members who participate will get a Commonwealth Cares T-shirt to wear during the event, so let me know by end of day Friday if you will be helping out, so that you have time to pick up your shirt at the club. Here’s the deal: Our planned project day is Sat, Jun 25th. We’d meet at 9:30am in the upper parking lot, which is accessible from the Bellevue Ave entrance. The Conservancy will provide tools, water, and snacks for the crew. We can provide work gloves too, but in this day and age people often prefer to bring their own.
A whole mini woodland of scrub and junk saplings have sprung up in the area that partially surrounds where the old pond used to be. The whole area is lined with beautiful boulders, which have long been obscured by the mess. Being right smack in the middle of the park, the Conservancy would like to start clearing this out to improve the looks of that area as well as to open up some sight lines within the park. Future projects may include putting in some new native plants, but we need to see what it looks like cleared out first!
The Golf Outing still needs 20 golfers to make the shotgun start at 10am on the 30th, so if one sixth of the 120 or so members who have not responded to this so far, decide to participate, even less if you bring guests, we’ll be good to go. $100 per golfer if you are under 60; $90, if older; golf, cart, lunch, prizes, all at Rock Spring is West Orange. Please let me know asap if you can play: jfxa@blackwatchproductions.com.
Dues discount closes on June 30th: $575 if you pay by then, $600 thereafter; $287.50 for junior members.
There has been a somewhat disappointing turnout for summer bowling so far, especially given the enthusiasm for it that was demonstrated at the annual dinner; it’s every Wednesday night at 8pm; $20; 2 games, no teams, no handicap, guests welcome and encouraged, food, cash prizes. So come on down, already!
Stay tuned for info about the Club and the Montclair 4th of July Parade.