HOLIDAY BOWLING EXTRAVAGANZA—Thursday, December 21st 2023 @ 7:30 pm!
TEAM BATTLE: Each team bowling three games… however, the team wants! Your team wants one guy to bowl all three games? Cool! Three guys bowling one game each? Sure! One guy bowling the first ball and another bowling the spares? A full-team alternate shot? One specialist for the pesky 10-pin spare? You do you! It’s all about the team score (and you don’t HAVE to bowl for your regular team). $20 entry per team
ONE-BALL TOURNAMENT: Everybody bowls—you guessed it—One Ball! After everyone has thrown a ball, the bowlers with the LOWEST score are eliminated, and every remaining bowler throws another ball. Lather, Rinse, Repeat until one man remains (who MUST win on a strike). $10 a bowler (and whether the usual bells and whistles—like buybacks and roll-offs—will be in play will be dependent on attendance)
In addition to the bowling, there will be loads of holiday treats provided, and each participating team will be asked to bring a bottle of some festive potent potable to share with your fellow bowlers.
RYDER CUP BOWLING TOURNAMENT—Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 @ 8 pm! $20 per team
Game 1: Best Ball — Both teammates bowl each frame. Only the best frame counts. Teammates will bowl concurrently, one on the left and one on the right, alternating every frame
Game 2: Alternate Shot — Teammate trade SHOTS (not frames). Essentially one teammate bowls the first ball and the other bowls the spare ball, with the order swapping after any strikes
Game 3: Cumulative — Both teammates bowl a full game, and the team score for the round is the sum of the two individual scores
Event is limited to 18 teams. If you don’t have a partner, you may sign up as an individual (paired up in the order of sign-ups)